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Packed in accordance to the May 2006 guidelines by the Ministry of Manpower (Occupational Safety & Health Division)

For every 50 workers or part thereof



Contents in the bag:

Adhesive Dressing (Individually Wrapped)    40    pce
Crepe bandage 5.0cm    2    roll
Crepe bandage 10cm    3    roll
Gauze 5cm x 5cm non-sterile 10's    10    pkt
Hypoallergenic tape     1    roll
Triangular bandage    4    pkt
Scissors     1    pce
Safety pin    4    pce
Disposable gloves latex     2    pair
Eye shade    4    pce
Eye pad     4    pce
Resuscitation Mask (one-way)    1    set
Sterile/saline water 15ml    20    btl
Pen torch    1    pce


First Aid Box B (MOM) - In Bag

庫存單位: STK126396


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